Magicka 2: Video review

For 4 years no wonder and get involved in conjure! Armed with the motto corresponding to this assumption, Magicka 2 invites the players to recall again – how witchcraft works, why magicians do not go one at a time and that Vlad is not a vampire. How successfully and ineffective it turned out in the end – see our review.

Magicka 2

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Here I have a question: how to relate to the review so superficial? How can you even indicate the wrong studio of developers?

Arrowhead has not even been engaged in the first part for a long time, a large many additions were already made by another studio: Pieces Interactive. She also made the 2nd part. When loading, and indeed anywhere, even the Arrowhead logo is not indicated.

Also, I really did not like in the review what essentially consists of one phrase: “Everything is in the 1st part”. Why there was not a word about the power of the elements, which is probably the main part of this game? The power of the elements was very much changed, they were all balanced in a kind of Wizard Wars, so now it is unlikely that one spell will go through the whole game.

It would be worth listening, van
The user says business
And it would also be worth refreshing memories for previous games when a review of some game from the series is made.

The stream was the same to be unbearable to watch, for not only because it was boring, but most importantly, this is a constant confusion of what was in the first part and what was not there. In the end, I did not sit down for an hour.

And because the enemies prescribed regular protection and ignores of damage from some elements and increased susceptibility to others.

It was in the 1st part. Yeti, skeletons, salamanders, slugs, etc.D. All of them had the above characteristics. And of course there are more than I listed, so this is by no means an innovation. So everything is precisely because of the rebalance of the elements.

It is of course cool, but the first part was somehow cooler. It is very sorry that the stoves and weapons are practically useless, simply increase some elements or inflict slight damage if these are a near -fight weapon. They removed special magicians from staves, the weapon in general does not differ at all, when the first one was throwing and gunshot and a bunch of secrets with excaliburs, swords that were heralded with some kind of energy and all that. The fast access panel made a casual game a little, although the levels themselves are harder than in the first part. Well, it’s very short

Calculation for reprint I suspect. So that on the normal, on Hard, and on bananas it could be run and did not have time to get to the edge.

And even more in the game there is the opportunity to play with randomes. Just don’t touch the banana. Yes, and you can always find people for a coop on a gaming site.

I have only one complaint to the game. It is too obvious that the games are not enough not for reibrivalism but for DLS.

A staff with a fiery head of a goat and death x2 fire x3. Works on all difficulties with reverse in life against demons and cold against the fiery. The natural imbu was replaced by the IMBU.

She is short enough to master her in 2 p.m. And there is even a bit of the plot with unexpected turns. But the fact that the game is short is also a minus, only played out, they understood all the chips and the druk of the games ended. So the whole fan of the coop is purely on you and friends. My friend and I were finalized on the normal.
Very confused nothing.
Take the game COOL FACHTET and don’t complain.: _:

Why there was not a word about the power of the elements, which is probably the main part of this game?

Because then it really will turn out some kind of patch.

Well, yes. But this was not due to the rebalance of the elements, but because the enemies prescribed regular protection and ignores of damage from some elements and increased susceptibility to others.